Tagged: San Luis Obispo Farmer’s Market

August was that time again for my annual trek up to San Luis Obispo where family and friends took time to get away. We came right in time for Thursday’s farmers market where Higuera Street is closed off for people to roam freely to enjoying food, fun and entertainment. And as usual, I brought my camera for the occasion because there’s always something interesting going on. I got to chat with a nice old gentleman, “Uncle Sol” as he’s known, who plays the fiddle in and around town. He showed me a photograph (the one he’s holding in his hands) that won him 1st place in a photo contest. A delightful man who entertained me with some of his tunes. While there we stopped by the famous BubbleGum Alley right on Higuera between Broad and Garden. The kids were either amazed or disgusted or both.